StarCluster - Mailing List Archive

Re: [Starcluster] Multiple MPI jobs on SunGrid Engine with StarCluster

From: Justin Riley <no email>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 23:33:29 -0400

Hash: SHA1

Hi Damian,

Could you try removing the -hostfile/-wd/-n options to mpirun and see if
that works? Also the "./tesla-train --config $2" line is on the same
line as the mpirun in your right?


On 06/21/2010 08:14 PM, Damian Eads wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> Please see the attached image. It shows the output of top when I try
> to start a 20 process OpenMPI job using qsub. Notice that it doesn't
> spread the processes across the cluster.
> root_at_domU-12-31-39-0E-29-81:/data/tesla# birds-1.cfg
> root_at_domU-12-31-39-0E-29-81:/data/tesla# cat
> ../teslaconf/scripts/
> #!/bin/bash
> NP=20
> for i in $*
> do
> JOBNAME=`echo $i | sed 's/\.cfg//g' | sed 's/^.*\///g'`
> OUTFILE=/tmp/az-${JOBNAME}.out
> ERRFILE=/tmp/az-${JOBNAME}.err
> export PATH=/data/teslaconf/scripts:/data/tesla:$PATH
> CMD="qsub -N ${JOBNAME} -pe orte ${NP} -o ${OUTFILE} -e ${ERRFILE}
> -wd /data/tesla -V ../teslaconf/scripts/ ${NP} $i"
> echo Running $CMD
> $CMD
> done
> root_at_domU-12-31-39-0E-29-81:/data/tesla# cat
> ../teslaconf/scripts/
> #!/bin/bash
> PYTHON_VERSION=python2.6
> PYTHONPATH=/data/prefix/python2.6/site-packages
> mpirun -hostfile /data/teslaconf/machines -wd /data/tesla \
> -n $1 -x PYTHONPATH=/data/prefix/lib/python2.6/site-packages
> ./tesla-train --config $2
> Ideas?
> Thanks,
> Damian
> On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Damian Eads <> wrote:
>> Hi Justin,
>> Thank you for your explanation on MPI/SGE integration. A few quick questions:
>> On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Justin Riley <> wrote:
>>> So the above explains the parallel environment setup within SGE. It
>>> turns out that if you're using a parallel environment with OpenMPI, you
>>> do not have to specify --byslot/--bynodes/-np/-host/etc options to
>>> mpirun given that SGE will handle the round_robin/fill_up modes for you
>>> and automatically assign hosts and number of processors to be used by
>>> OpenMPI.
>>> So, for your use case I would change the commands as follows:
>>> - -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> qsub -pe orte 24 ./ experiment-1
>>> qsub -pe orte 24 ./ experiment-2
>>> qsub -pe orte 24 ./ experiment-3
>>> ...
>>> qsub -pe orte 24 ./ experiment-100
>>> where ./ calls mpirun as follows
>>> mpirun -x PYTHONPATH=/data/prefix/lib/python2.6/site-packages
>>> -wd /data/experiments ./myprogram $1
>> So I don't need to specify the number of slots to use in mpirun? The
>> Sun GridEngine will somehow pass this information to mpirun? Is the
>> mpirun argument -n 1 by default?
>>> - -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> NOTE: You can also pass -wd to the qsub command instead of mpirun and
>>> along the same lines I believe you can pass -v option to qsub rather
>>> than -x to mpirun. Neither of these should make a difference, just
>>> shifts where the -x/-wd concern is (from MPI to SGE).
>> Good idea. This will clean things up a bit. Thanks for suggesting it.
>>> I will add a section to the docs about using SGE/OpenMPI integration on
>>> StarCluster based on this email.
>>>> Perhaps if carefully
>>>> used, this will ensure that there is a root MPI process running on the
>>>> master node for every MPI job that's simultaneously running.
>>> Is this a requirement for you to have a root MPI process on the master
>>> node for every MPI job? If you're worried about oversubscribing the
>>> master node with MPI processes, then this SGE/OpenMPI integration should
>>> relieve those concerns. If not, what's the reason for needing a 'root
>>> MPI process' running on the master node for every MPI job?
>> It's not a requirement but reflects some ignorance on my part. <aybe
>> I'm confused about why the first node is called master. I was assuming
>> it had that name because it was performing some kind of special
>> coordination.
>> Do I still need to provide the -hostfile option? Or is this automatic now?
>> Thanks a lot!
>> Damian
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> Damian Eads Ph.D. Candidate
>> University of California Computer Science
>> 1156 High Street Machine Learning Lab, E2-489
>> Santa Cruz, CA 95064

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