Package Installer Plugin

The PackageInstaller plugin installs a list of Ubuntu packages on all nodes in parallel.


To use this plugin add the following to your starcluster config file:

[plugin pkginstaller]
setup_class = starcluster.plugins.pkginstaller.PackageInstaller
packages = mongodb, python-pymongo

The packages setting specifies the list of Ubuntu packages to install on each node. The above example will install mongodb and python-pymongo on all nodes in the cluster.

Once you’ve configured the PackageInstaller plugin the next step is to add it to the plugins list in one of your cluster templates in the config:

[cluster mycluster]
plugins = pkginstaller

If you already have a cluster running that didn’t originally include the PackageInstaller plugin in it’s config you can manually run the plugin on the cluster using:

$ starcluster runplugin pkginstaller mycluster
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Software Tools for Academics and Researchers (STAR)
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>>> Running plugin pkginstaller
>>> Installing the following packages on all nodes:
mongodb, python-pymongo
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