#################################### ## StarCluster Configuration File ## #################################### [global] # Configure the default cluster template to use when starting a cluster # defaults to 'smallcluster' defined below. This template should be usable # out-of-the-box provided you've configured your keypair correctly DEFAULT_TEMPLATE=smallcluster # enable experimental features for this release #ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL=True # number of seconds to wait when polling instances (default: 30s) #REFRESH_INTERVAL=15 # specify a web browser to launch when viewing spot history plots #WEB_BROWSER=chromium # split the config into multiple files #INCLUDE=~/.starcluster/aws, ~/.starcluster/keys, ~/.starcluster/vols ############################################# ## AWS Credentials and Connection Settings ## ############################################# [aws info] # This is the AWS credentials section (required). # These settings apply to all clusters # replace these with your AWS keys AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = deleted AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = deleted # replace this with your account number AWS_USER_ID= deleted # Uncomment to specify a different Amazon AWS region (OPTIONAL) # (defaults to us-east-1 if not specified) # NOTE: AMIs have to be migrated! AWS_REGION_NAME = eu-west-1 AWS_REGION_HOST = ec2.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com # Uncomment these settings when creating an instance-store (S3) AMI (OPTIONAL) #EC2_CERT = /path/to/your/cert-asdf0as9df092039asdfi02089.pem #EC2_PRIVATE_KEY = /path/to/your/pk-asdfasd890f200909.pem # Uncomment these settings to use a proxy host when connecting to AWS #AWS_PROXY = your.proxyhost.com #AWS_PROXY_PORT = 8080 #AWS_PROXY_USER = yourproxyuser #AWS_PROXY_PASS = yourproxypass ########################### ## Defining EC2 Keypairs ## ########################### # Sections starting with "key" define your keypairs. See "starcluster createkey # --help" for instructions on how to create a new keypair. Section name should # match your key name e.g.: # EU-west-1 keys [key BIOMEDIQ] KEY_LOCATION=~/.ssh/BIOMEDIQ_EC2.rsa ################################ ## Defining Cluster Templates ## ################################ # Sections starting with "cluster" represent a cluster template. These # "templates" are a collection of settings that define a single cluster # configuration and are used when creating and configuring a cluster. You can # change which template to use when creating your cluster using the -c option # to the start command: # # $ starcluster start -c mediumcluster mycluster # # If a template is not specified then the template defined by DEFAULT_TEMPLATE # in the [global] section above is used. Below is the "default" template named # "smallcluster". You can rename it but dont forget to update the # DEFAULT_TEMPLATE setting in the [global] section above. See the next section # on defining multiple templates. [cluster smallcluster] KEYNAME = BIOMEDIQ # number of ec2 instances to launch CLUSTER_SIZE = 3 # create the following user on the cluster CLUSTER_USER = qadmin # optionally specify shell (defaults to bash) # (options: tcsh, zsh, csh, bash, ksh) CLUSTER_SHELL = bash # AMI to use for cluster nodes. These AMIs are for the us-east-1 region. # Use the 'listpublic' command to list StarCluster AMIs in other regions # The base i386 StarCluster AMI is ami-899d49e0 # The base x86_64 StarCluster AMI is ami-999d49f0 # The base HVM StarCluster AMI is ami-4583572c # EU-west images: # i386: # ami-a5447bd1 eu-west-1 starcluster-base-ubuntu-11.10-x86 (EBS) # ami-a4d7fdd0 eu-west-1 starcluster-base-ubuntu-9.10-x86-rc8 # x64: # ami-ab447bdf eu-west-1 starcluster-base-ubuntu-11.10-x86_64 (EBS) # ami-38d5ff4c eu-west-1 starcluster-base-ubuntu-9.10-x86_64-rc4 NODE_IMAGE_ID = ami-ab447bdf # instance type for all cluster nodes # (options: cg1.4xlarge, c1.xlarge, m1.small, c1.medium, m2.xlarge, t1.micro, cc1.4xlarge, m1.medium, cc2.8xlarge, m1.large, m1.xlarge, m2.4xlarge, m2.2xlarge) NODE_INSTANCE_TYPE = t1.micro # Uncomment to disable installing/configuring a queueing system on the # cluster (SGE) DISABLE_QUEUE=True # Uncomment to specify a different instance type for the master node (OPTIONAL) # (defaults to NODE_INSTANCE_TYPE if not specified) #MASTER_INSTANCE_TYPE = t1.micro # Uncomment to specify a separate AMI to use for the master node. (OPTIONAL) # (defaults to NODE_IMAGE_ID if not specified) #MASTER_IMAGE_ID = ami-ab447bdf (OPTIONAL) # availability zone to launch the cluster in (OPTIONAL) # (automatically determined based on volumes (if any) or # selected by Amazon if not specified) # AVAILABILITY_ZONE = eu-west-1c # list of volumes to attach to the master node (OPTIONAL) # these volumes, if any, will be NFS shared to the worker nodes # see "Configuring EBS Volumes" below on how to define volume sections VOLUMES = mrdata # list of plugins to load after StarCluster's default setup routines (OPTIONAL) # see "Configuring StarCluster Plugins" below on how to define plugin sections #PLUGINS = myplugin, myplugin2 # list of permissions (or firewall rules) to apply to the cluster's security # group (OPTIONAL). #PERMISSIONS = ssh, http # Uncomment to always create a spot cluster when creating a new cluster from # this template. The following example will place a $0.050 bid for each spot # request. #SPOT_BID = 0.050 ########################################### ## Defining Additional Cluster Templates ## ########################################### # You can also define multiple cluster templates. You can either supply all # configuration options as with smallcluster above, or create an # EXTENDS= variable in the new cluster section to use all # settings from as defaults. Below are example templates that # use the EXTENDS feature: # [cluster mediumcluster] # Declares that this cluster uses smallcluster as defaults # EXTENDS=smallcluster # This section is the same as smallcluster except for the following settings: # KEYNAME=myotherkey # NODE_INSTANCE_TYPE = c1.xlarge # CLUSTER_SIZE=8 # VOLUMES = biodata2 # [cluster largecluster] # Declares that this cluster uses mediumcluster as defaults # EXTENDS=mediumcluster # This section is the same as mediumcluster except for the following variables: # CLUSTER_SIZE=16 ############################# ## Configuring EBS Volumes ## ############################# # StarCluster can attach one or more EBS volumes to the master and then # NFS_share these volumes to all of the worker nodes. A new [volume] section # must be created for each EBS volume you wish to use with StarCluser. The # section name is a tag for your volume. This tag is used in the VOLUMES # setting of a cluster template to declare that an EBS volume is to be mounted # and nfs shared on the cluster. (see the commented VOLUMES setting in the # example 'smallcluster' template above) Below are some examples of defining # and configuring EBS volumes to be used with StarCluster: # Sections starting with "volume" define your EBS volumes [volume mrdata] # attach vol-c9999999 to /mr_data on master node and NFS-shre to worker nodes VOLUME_ID = vol-ae98c1c6 MOUNT_PATH = /mr_data # Same volume as above, but mounts to different location # [volume biodata2] # VOLUME_ID = vol-c999999 # MOUNT_PATH = /opt/ # Another volume example # [volume oceandata] # VOLUME_ID = vol-d7777777 # MOUNT_PATH = /mydata # By default StarCluster will attempt first to mount the entire volume device, # failing that it will try the first partition. If you have more than one # partition you will need to set the PARTITION number, e.g.: # [volume oceandata] # VOLUME_ID = vol-d7777777 # MOUNT_PATH = /mydata # PARTITION = 2 ############################################ ## Configuring Security Group Permissions ## ############################################ # Sections starting with "permission" define security group rules to # automatically apply to newly created clusters. PROTOCOL in the following # examples can be can be: tcp, udp, or icmp. CIDR_IP defaults to or # "open to the # world" # open port 80 on the cluster to the world # [permission http] # PROTOCOL = tcp # FROM_PORT = 80 # TO_PORT = 80 # open https on the cluster to the world # [permission https] # PROTOCOL = tcp # FROM_PORT = 443 # TO_PORT = 443 # open port 80 on the cluster to an ip range using CIDR_IP # [permission http] # PROTOCOL = tcp # FROM_PORT = 80 # TO_PORT = 80 # CIDR_IP = # restrict ssh access to a single ip address () # [permission ssh] # PROTOCOL = tcp # FROM_PORT = 22 # TO_PORT = 22 # CIDR_IP = /32 ##################################### ## Configuring StarCluster Plugins ## ##################################### # Sections starting with "plugin" define a custom python class which perform # additional configurations to StarCluster's default routines. These plugins # can be assigned to a cluster template to customize the setup procedure when # starting a cluster from this template (see the commented PLUGINS setting in # the 'smallcluster' template above). Below is an example of defining a user # plugin called 'myplugin': # [plugin myplugin] # NOTE: myplugin module must either live in ~/.starcluster/plugins or be # on your PYTHONPATH # SETUP_CLASS = myplugin.SetupClass # extra settings are passed as __init__ arguments to your plugin: # SOME_PARAM_FOR_MY_PLUGIN = 1 # SOME_OTHER_PARAM = 2 ###################### ## Built-in Plugins ## ###################### # The following plugins ship with StarCluster and should work out-of-the-box. # Uncomment as needed. Don't forget to update your PLUGINS list! # See http://web.mit.edu/star/cluster/docs/latest/plugins for plugin details. # # Use this plugin to install one or more packages on all nodes # [plugin pkginstaller] # SETUP_CLASS = starcluster.plugins.pkginstaller.PackageInstaller # # list of apt-get installable packages # PACKAGES = mongodb, python-pymongo # # Use this plugin to create one or more cluster users and download all user ssh # keys to $HOME/.starcluster/user_keys/-.tar.gz # [plugin createusers] # SETUP_CLASS = starcluster.plugins.users.CreateUsers # NUM_USERS = 30 # # you can also comment out NUM_USERS and specify exact usernames, e.g. # # usernames = linus, tux, larry # DOWNLOAD_KEYS = True # # Use this plugin to configure the Condor queueing system # [plugin condor] # SETUP_CLASS = starcluster.plugins.condor.CondorPlugin # # The SGE plugin is enabled by default and not strictly required. Only use this # if you want to tweak advanced settings in which case you should also set # DISABLE_QUEUE=TRUE in your cluster template. See the plugin doc for more # details. # [plugin sge] # SETUP_CLASS = starcluster.plugins.sge.SGEPlugin # MASTER_IS_EXEC_HOST = False # # The IPCluster plugin configures a parallel IPython cluster with optional # web notebook support. This allows you to run Python code in parallel with low # latency message passing via ZeroMQ. # [plugin ipcluster] # SETUP_CLASS = starcluster.plugins.ipcluster.IPCluster # ENABLE_NOTEBOOK = True # #set a password for the notebook for increased security # NOTEBOOK_PASSWD = a-secret-password # # Use this plugin to create a cluster SSH "dashboard" using tmux. The plugin # creates a tmux session on the master node that automatically connects to all # the worker nodes over SSH. Attaching to the session shows a separate window # for each node and each window is logged into the node via SSH. # [plugin tmux] # SETUP_CLASS = starcluster.plugins.tmux.TmuxControlCenter # # Use this plugin to change the default MPI implementation on the # cluster from OpenMPI to MPICH2. # [plugin mpich2] # SETUP_CLASS = starcluster.plugins.mpich2.MPICH2Setup # # Configure a hadoop cluster. (includes dumbo setup) # [plugin hadoop] # SETUP_CLASS = starcluster.plugins.hadoop.Hadoop # # Configure a distributed MySQL Cluster # [plugin mysqlcluster] # SETUP_CLASS = starcluster.plugins.mysql.MysqlCluster # NUM_REPLICAS = 2 # DATA_MEMORY = 80M # INDEX_MEMORY = 18M # DUMP_FILE = test.sql # DUMP_INTERVAL = 60 # DEDICATED_QUERY = True # NUM_DATA_NODES = 2 # # Install and setup an Xvfb server on each cluster node # [plugin xvfb] # SETUP_CLASS = starcluster.plugins.xvfb.XvfbSetup