StarCluster - Mailing List Archive

Installing Intel compilers on Starcluster (UNCLASSIFIED)

From: Oppe, Thomas C ERDC-RDE-ITL-MS Contractor <no email>
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:56:19 +0000

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO

Dear Sir:

I am trying to install the Intel compilers on a Starcluster cluster on the Amazon Cloud using a free 30-day trial license. Basically I would like to take advantage of the AVX instruction set that the SandyBridge processors use on "cc2.8xlarge" instances. I was wondering if anyone had experience in installing the Intel compilers.

If an installation is successful, will I be using Intel MPI or OpenMPI?

I am starting with a 2-node cluster, so I created a "machines.LINUX" file with my two node names:


but when I get to the command:

    ./sshconnectivity.exp machines.LINUX

it asks me for a password for "node001" which I don't know. Then I tried to reduce the "machines.LINUX" file to just


and the installation "worked" in the sense that no error messages resulted. However I am worried that the MPI executables that I create with "mpiifort", "mpiicc", etc. will only run on the "master" node. I will be benchmarking the Amazon Cloud across a wide range of process counts, so it seems unreasonable to have to install the Intel compilers for each size cluster.

Should I close down the "node001" instance, and then add the desired number of nodes using

   starcluster addnode -n <# additional nodes> mycluster

and starcluster will duplicate what I have done on "master"?

Finally, will I need a hostlist file (or "mpd.hosts" file) to run my MPI benchmarks under SGE? What is the format of the "mpd.hosts" file?

Thank you for any information.

Please excuse my novice-level questions. I appreciate any help.

Tom Oppe

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO
Received on Sat Nov 24 2012 - 06:56:21 EST
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