StarCluster - Mailing List Archive

Re: making a leaner AMI

From: Justin Riley <no email>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 00:34:21 -0500

On 10/28/10 3:00 PM, Dan Tenenbaum wrote:
> (I realize I may need to change the StarCluster code so it doesn't try
> and launch/set up SunGrid Engine on the cluster nodes. I would like to
> avoid having to fork, though--could this maybe be made into a config
> option? I could send you a patch...)

I've added a disable_queue config option and --disable-queue flag to the
github code. See this post for usage:

> BTW, another suggestion for improving startup time would be to
> increase the frequency with which StarCluster polls to see if the
> instances have started up. It currently polls every 60 seconds.
> Hopefully with the leanest possible AMI, we could maybe poll every 15
> seconds. Could I submit another patch for this? ;)

I've also added a refresh_interval option to the config and a
--refresh-interval flag to the 'start' command in the github code. This
allows you to set the refresh interval at the command line:

$ starcluster start --refresh-interval=15 mycluster

Or you can set the refresh interval once and for all in the global
section of the config:

# specified in seconds (default: 30)
refresh_interval = 15

Received on Tue Dec 28 2010 - 00:33:54 EST
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