StarCluster - Mailing List Archive

[Starcluster] cannot start cluster with m2.4xlarge

From: Damian Eads <no email>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 03:36:38 -0700


I've tried starting a three node cluster with the biggest instance
type (m2.4xlarge) and it crashes here. This is with Justin's latest
git. Ideas?



eads_at_argentina:~/work/repo/StarCluster$ starcluster start -x mycluster dtest
StarCluster - (
Software Tools for Academics and Researchers (STAR)
Please submit bug reports to

>>> Validating cluster settings...
>>> Cluster settings are valid
>>> Starting cluster...
>>> Waiting for cluster to start...
>>> The master node is
>>> Attaching volume vol-1dbc0c74 to master node...
>>> Setting up the cluster...
>>> Mounting EBS volume vol-1dbc0c74 on /data... - WARNING - specified key does not end in either rsa or dsa,
trying both
>>> Using private key /home/eads/deadskey.pem (rsa)
>>> Creating cluster user: sgeadmin - WARNING - specified key does not end in either rsa or dsa,
trying both
>>> Using private key /home/eads/deadskey.pem (rsa) - WARNING - specified key does not end in either rsa or dsa,
trying both
>>> Using private key /home/eads/deadskey.pem (rsa)
>>> Configuring scratch space for user: sgeadmin
>>> Configuring /etc/hosts on each node
>>> Configuring NFS...
ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (405, 0))

NameError Traceback (most recent call last)

in <module>()
      3 __requires__ = 'StarCluster==0.9999'
      4 import pkg_resources
----> 5 pkg_resources.run_script('StarCluster==0.9999', 'starcluster')

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.pyc in run_script(self,
requires, script_name)
    446 ns.clear()
    447 ns['__name__'] = name
--> 448 self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)

/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pkg_resources.pyc in run_script(self,
script_name, namespace)
   1171 )
   1172 script_code = compile(script_text,script_filename,'exec')
-> 1173 exec script_code in namespace, namespace
   1175 def _has(self, path):

in <module>()
----> 6

in main()
    918 sys.exit(0)
    919 try:
--> 920 sc.execute(args)
    921 except exception.BaseException,e:
    922 log.error(e.msg)

in execute(self, args)
    179'Cluster settings are valid')
    180 if not self.opts.validate_only:
--> 181 scluster.start(create=not self.opts.no_create)
    182 if self.opts.login_master:
    183 cluster.ssh_to_master(tag, self.cfg)

in wrapper(*arg, **kargs)
     24 """Raw timing function """
     25 time1 = time.time()
---> 26 res = func(*arg, **kargs)
     27 time2 = time.time()
     28'%s took %0.3f mins' % (func.func_name,

in start(self, create)
    512 self.nodes, self.master_node,
    513 self.cluster_user, self.cluster_shell,
--> 514 self.volumes
    515 )
    516 self.create_receipt()

in run(self, nodes, master, user, user_shell, volumes)
    334 self._setup_scratch()
    335 self._setup_etc_hosts()
--> 336 self._setup_nfs()
    337 self._setup_passwordless_ssh()
    338 self._setup_sge()

in _setup_nfs(self)
    245 mconn.execute('/etc/init.d/nfs start')
    246 mconn.execute('/usr/sbin/exportfs -r')
--> 247 mconn.execute('mount -t devpts none /dev/pts') # fix
for xterm/mpi printing to stdout
    249 # setup /etc/fstab and mount /home and /opt/sge6 on each node

in execute(self, command, silent, only_printable, ignore_exit_status)
    221 exit_status = channel.recv_exit_status()
    222 if exit_status != 0:
--> 223 if not ignore_exist_status:
    224 log.error("command %s failed with status %d" % (command,

Damian Eads                           Ph.D. Candidate
University of California             Computer Science
1156 High Street         Machine Learning Lab, E2-489
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Received on Sat Apr 24 2010 - 06:36:40 EDT
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