StarCluster documentation (v. 0.93)

StarCluster is a utility for creating and managing distributed computing clusters hosted on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). StarCluster utilizes Amazon's EC2 web service to create and destroy clusters of Linux virtual machines on demand.

StarCluster aims to be an easy-to-use and extensible cluster computing toolkit for the cloud. The sections below are divided into user and developer documentation.

User Documentation

StarCluster Development

Indices and Tables


Current version: 0.93

Download StarCluster from the github project page (but first take a look at the install page).

For details on what's new, see the detailed version history.


Requests for help should be directed to the StarCluster mailing list.

You can file bugs, patches and feature requests on the StarCluster bug tracker, but it is a good idea to also drop us a note on the StarCluster Mailing List.


The StarCluster module is released under the LGPL license. See the license page for details.