StarCluster is available via the Python Package Index (PyPI) and comes with two public Amazon EC2 AMIs (i386 and x86_64). Below are instructions for installing the latest stable release of StarCluster via PyPI (recommended). There are also instructions for installing the latest development version from github for advanced users.
To install the latest stable release of StarCluster from the PYthon Package Index (PYPI) on Linux/Mac operating systems, execute the following command in a terminal:
$ sudo easy_install StarCluster
(enter your root/admin password)
Assuming this command completes successfully you’re now ready to create the configuration file.
To manually install StarCluster from the PYthon Package Index (PYPI) on Linux/Mac operating systems, download StarCluster-XXX.tar.gz from Then change to the directory you downloaded StarCluster-XXX.tar.gz to and execute the following in a terminal:
$ tar xvzf StarCluster-XXX.tar.gz
$ cd StarCluster-XXX
$ sudo python install
$ sudo python install
Assuming this command completes successfully you’re now ready to create the configuration file.
WARNING: These methods describe installing the latest development snapshot. Although we try to keep the latest code functional, please be aware that things may break with these snapshots and that you use them at your own risk. This section is really only meant for those that are interested in contributing to or testing the latest development code.
There are two ways to install the latest development version of StarCluster from github:
This method does not require any special tools other than a web browser and python and is recommended if you don’t use git but would still like the latest development changes.
Download a zip or tar snapshot of the latest development code.
After downloading the code, perform the following in a terminal to install:
$ cd StarCluster
$ sudo python install
$ sudo python install
Assuming this command completes successfully you’re now ready to create the configuration file.
$ starcluster help
This method requires that you have git installed on your machine. If you’re unsure, either use the latest development snapshot as described above, or install the latest stable version from pypi.
$ git clone git://
$ cd StarCluster
$ sudo python install
$ sudo python install
After this is complete, you will need to setup the configuration file.
$ starcluster help